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Cast your vote online

Vote online: worldwide and easy.

See how it's done: vote online

Learn how voters can benefit from online voting and find out more about the five steps involved in casting a vote online. 

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Cast your vote from anywhere in the world

Cast your vote from anywhere in the world with just a few clicks

Excercise your voting rights quickly and easily at home - or from the other side of the world

  • Cast your ballot with any device with access to the internet from anywhere in the world
  • The secrecy of your ballot is maintained under the high security standards adhered to by POlLYAS' online voting software
  • Your vote remains anonymous as our system's architecture strictly separates your personal data from the electronic ballot
POLYAS' online voting system in 5 steps

POLYAS' online voting system in 5 steps

1. Login
To enter the online voting system you need two pieces of login data: a personalized ID and a one-time password

2. Confirmation of login
The system checks whether the data is in the electoral roll. Only eligible voters are granted access to the online voting system and the internal checking system sets up a token (digital ballot paper) for these voters, which will then be used when voting. This token prevents interference with the identity of the voter as the vote is cast anonymously after they have logged in.
Learn more about secure voter authentication

 3. Online voting
The ballot can only be accessed if the voter hasn't already voted. You can cast all available votes on lists or single candidates at the click of a button, and there's also the option to cast an “invalid” vote.

4. Double checking the vote
The filled out ballot slip is shown to the voter again for confirmation. This allows voters to double check their choices and change any mistakes they may have made before the vote is sent to the online ballot box and made official.

5. Completion of voting  
Logging out of the online voting system is required to complete the voting process. Only then is the ballot transferred to the online ballot box and your token deleted. You cannot re-use your login data and the ballot remains anonymous inside the digital ballot box. 

Receive information online and vote

Receive information online and vote

Sending out polling cards and distributing login data can also occur digitally. You will receive by email all the relevant information about candidates, the election times and your voting rights. This ensures that election documents can (almost) never get lost and you can confirm the exact time slot for when you will be casting your vote online.

Your vote. Your choice.

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